Saturday, July 30, 2005
In-N-Out Burger: What an Austin hamburger could be about!

I keep having this recurring fantasy that somehow I am able to convince the famiy that owns the In-N-Out hamburger empire out of Baldwin Park Calif. let's me open up a store for them in Austin Texas, where I have been living for the past ten years. Everytime I go out to California for a family visit, I can't count how many times we stop in for a Park-N-Wait burger. I say that with tongue in cheek because regardless of how much I love In-N-Out burgers, they're name is
very misleading. It's more like In-N-Wait-Wait-Wait-Out. But it's oh so worth the wait.
And so I envision the massive lines and profits, as I manage the company's one and only store east of Nevada. I checked the website and no, they don't franchise. I suppose if I could get them to trust me, maybe they'd let me open up a store, but it seems like the empire is limited to three states: California, Nevada, and Utah. And from what I can tell the only way I could gain their trust would be to provide proof of church attenance and quoting the proper biblical scripture, as the owners are reportedly quite religious, and print cryptic references to biblical scripture on their packaging.
So until my next trip out west, I can only dream. And to my fellow Austinites, no Whataburger doesn't even come close, nor does Dan or Fran!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Beyond The Grave
One of the first articulate and real blogs I've come across. Seems like there's a form of blogspam out there: sites that really are just advertisements. Finally, somebody real.
P.S. Kiss The Duchess For Me
One day I hope to publish it in a hard volume. On one of my trips home I came across a complete copy of the manuscript as well as correspondence documenting the lengths to which my late mother, the duchess, went to in trying to get it published and/or turned into a movie. Included is correspondence between folks such as Tom Brokaw and Stevenn Spielberg's production company. And that is what strikes me the most about it, when I read, that it really is a classic story just begging to be turned into something more!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Missing: A Names Project of Sorts
Hopefully, maybe some of these folks will stumble across this blog while doing a search on their name. Others may have already passed on. And that is the sad thing about life, as you grow older. There is less and less time to play catch up with old friends. Some friends to me are virtually dead i.e. I'll probably never see them alive again and that in a way invokes an ongoing sense of mourning. It's like you never had the chance to say goodbye. So if you're name is on this list, then you're someone I still remember, still remember fondly, and I hope you are faring well as you grow in life. Think about dropping me a line or email. I’d love to hear from you.
- Doug Maas
- Leslie Mylius
- John Temple
- Ken Whiteley
- Marshall Nagle
- Tami Bond
- Mark Comings
- Scott Comings
- Bob Greenwald
- Vicki Anderson
- Janie Richter
- Maceo Campbell
- Dane Johnson
- Dan Hirschi
- Jody Powell
- Shannon of the Presenters
- Jay with the wild mohawk
- Terry Burke
- Suzanne Sellers
- Andrea Kelly
- James Martin
- Reagan Young
- Goo
- Trish
- Jeff Lasee
- Carnival Dog
- Patricia Tree Gladwyne
- Pamela Rasada
- Lee Ann Kelly
- Teresa Peterson
- Greg Harrington
- Ted Bishop
- Jim Archibald
- Michele Bauer
- Russell and Cathy Masunaga
- Jeremy Bates
- Greg Bishop
- Billy Kohn
- Jerry Montanino
- Rick Swanson
- Jim Burhans
- Bruce & Kecia
- Matthew Kahler
- Robin Hurt
- Jeff Skaletsky
- Geoff Martin
- Sean Hennigan
- Rocky Armstrong
- Warren Brunelle
- The Craig that worked at JPL
- Doriandra
- Craig Bartholomew
- Lisa Cox
- Mike and Shelly Newman
- Shawn Adams
- Dave Feldhouse
- Rick Ballou
- Robb Shinn
- Dawn Tamarabuki
- Michele Bauer
- Jamie Jameson Buehler
- Kerstin Hege
- Michele Broder
- Chris Broder
- Donna Skinner
- Dave Osti
- Marci
- Amy Armstrong
- Kim Smiles And Allen, of course.
- Phillip
- Ben Lovejoy
- Rick Garabedian
- Andy Annas
- Steve Seine
- Chris Wing
- Dan O'Heron
- Rich Gowen
- Michael Wenzel
- Brian Sierant
- Mark Hill
- Melanie Horton
- Tim Horton
- Tish Horton
- Bob Hezlep
- Andy Livingston
- Steve Gormely
- Kevin Steger
- Devin Thomas
- Robb Shinn
- Mary Tartaglione
- Dave Davis
- Ross Curtright
- Gary & Jack from JPL
- Eric the Street Poet From Berkeley
- Nancy from JPL
- The Bubble Lady from Berkeley
- Sue Overman
- Jeff Wood
- Ann and Jeff Krogen
- Bill & Sharon Weisman
- Lori Hardy
- Judy Desmoreaux
- Margaret & Eric Jeurmanis
- Brian Markovich
- Arnie and Sherry Greif (Fractalvision)
- The Cubensis Crowd
- Byron and Sylvia Velasquez
- Geoff Gwynn
- Bill Sweetland
- Adriana Galvan
- Besty Dabbs
- Stella Blue
- Raelle Soares
- Sea Angel
- Cadillac Jack
- JT Westfield
- The Mininsters Daughter
- That happy black deadhead from the deadshow parking lots
- Mark Ferris
- Poe Sparrow
- Crystalheart
- Skye
- Sally
- Maggie McGill
- The Wharf Rat "Wharfie"
- Eric who worked at Sony with Brian
- Craig Marshall
- Chief Broom
- Cindy Price
- Don Franklin
- Joe From Common Denominator
- Sillohuette
- Zephyr
- Love Child
- Smiley
- Quemby
- Matthew Kahler
- Arpi From Ozland
- Lance Powell
- Diane Rodriguez
- Trish Powell
- Heidi Nakamura
- Glenn Holland
- Tim Hagelganz
- Bill Evans
- Serena Wild Love
- Andrea from FLA
- Ernest Rubio
- Chris Bray
- Burt Voorhees
- The Presenters
- Coda Jada Queen
- Hyperview
- John Range
- Gary Pittman Jr.
- Lawayna
- Jeremy Goode
- Carlos
- Chris S.C.
- Mike Mulligan
- Lisa Green
- John Willis
- Diane Caputo
- Sherry
- Tammy Trips
- Billy Dale
- Mark Masonovich
- Nadine Patterson
- Lori Phaff
- Ravenshadow
- Thomas the Poet from the Golden Days of Dchat
- Bardman
- Debbie from MASS (kevin's beau)
- Beth Scully
- Eric From Sony
- Eric Rittenhouse
- His hot sister
- Scott whatshisname first drummer for looking blue boyfriend of his hot sister (Shawna?)
- all the people I am forgetting that will be on this list tomorrow.
- shit I know somebody that i shouldn't ...
- and more names tomorrow ...
And so I sit here amazed at my own continued awakening to my self awareness here inside this three dimensional theater of life. It's a fleeting sense of being a part of something greater, beyond me that is in the process of moving itself forward through the parade of history towards apocalypse, the Big Bang but an image glanced at in the rear view mirror. And I am a part of that which happens in between the alpha and omega. It's like I withdraw into what Ken Keyes Jr. calls the witness center where I am just watching my own self as well as how my self interacts with other. And it's like I can't really remove myself from the play, and the words of the song The Wheel by Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead echo in my head: You can't hold on and you can let go, you can't go back and you can't stand sill, and everything time that wheel turn around, we're bound to cover just a little more ground.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Disneyland: The most expensive place on Earth!!!
As I remarked to my sister it's amazing how much they'll charge you for admission in order to enjoy the privilege of paying $7 for a tall slurpie, $3 for a bag of chips, $30 for a t-shirt that cost $2 to make. Add to the mix the demands of children going in every direction at once. He wants to go to Toon Town; she wants him to go on the Pirates of the Caribeean; he thinks that ride is too scary. The nephew needs to go the bathroom.
I'll tell you what's scary. Paying $5 for a Big Mac at the Paraside Pier inside the new California Experience. Ironic, because our hotel sat right door to a McDonalds, across the street from the park. A big mac there was the normal price.
Random thoughts
- Obviously, Alberto Gonazles, Bush's A.G., is pro-choice. I never read it anywhere but all of a sudden, the man most Democrats did not want to see become attorney general, is not the darling of the right, and folks such as Harry Reid, are singing his praises as a possible Supremie.
- That sick, twisted fuck, Joseph Edward Duncan III, MUST have wanted to get caught. Clearly, marching into Denny's at 2 a.m. with Shasta, in the same town she went missing from, was either calculated or incredibly stupid. I say the former in what I believe is a step he is making towards his ultimate goal: his own demise. I am still against capital punishment, but I wouldn't blame the father one bit, if he walked into this guy's cell and sent him on his way point blank.
- LONDON, England. Here's what I can stand about religious fundamentalism. Get the fuck over it! What do you think you will accomplish. And quit it with the Allah Akbar crap. Killing people is not something God is about. And that goes for you who would have God nailing his son to a cross to atone for mankind's sins. I just don't get it. Why on earth is the Prince of Peace, the God of Love, so freaking blood-thirsty in your minds. May I burn in hell for asking, what's so bad about peace, love & understanding?
Friday, July 01, 2005
MCI--The Worst Company of the Month, the Year, possibly All TIME!
My wife tried extra hard to make her lines, by working late, going back in after she put our daughter down to bed. Get this: at one point my wife took a day off because Alexia was sick. She was reprimanded for "not having her priorities in order." A friend remarked to me when I told her the story, "Apparently she DOES have her priorities in order!"
She laughs when she talks about how she got her mother to switch to MCI, only to have her mother switch back to SBC, after MCI failed to live up to its promises. I think that explains why making lines for the company only gets harder and harder. They have a lousy product. Period. So they continue to drive their employees to snag new customers. My advice to you: When MCI calls, just HANG UP THE PHONE.