Friday, July 08, 2005

Disneyland: The most expensive place on Earth!!!

Disneyland: that destination of all destinations in Southern California is by far the most stressful place on earth along with the most expensive place on earth, especially if you're traveling with those that Disney caters to most: children.

As I remarked to my sister it's amazing how much they'll charge you for admission in order to enjoy the privilege of paying $7 for a tall slurpie, $3 for a bag of chips, $30 for a t-shirt that cost $2 to make. Add to the mix the demands of children going in every direction at once. He wants to go to Toon Town; she wants him to go on the Pirates of the Caribeean; he thinks that ride is too scary. The nephew needs to go the bathroom.

I'll tell you what's scary. Paying $5 for a Big Mac at the Paraside Pier inside the new California Experience. Ironic, because our hotel sat right door to a McDonalds, across the street from the park. A big mac there was the normal price.

Random thoughts

  • Obviously, Alberto Gonazles, Bush's A.G., is pro-choice. I never read it anywhere but all of a sudden, the man most Democrats did not want to see become attorney general, is not the darling of the right, and folks such as Harry Reid, are singing his praises as a possible Supremie.
  • That sick, twisted fuck, Joseph Edward Duncan III, MUST have wanted to get caught. Clearly, marching into Denny's at 2 a.m. with Shasta, in the same town she went missing from, was either calculated or incredibly stupid. I say the former in what I believe is a step he is making towards his ultimate goal: his own demise. I am still against capital punishment, but I wouldn't blame the father one bit, if he walked into this guy's cell and sent him on his way point blank.
  • LONDON, England. Here's what I can stand about religious fundamentalism. Get the fuck over it! What do you think you will accomplish. And quit it with the Allah Akbar crap. Killing people is not something God is about. And that goes for you who would have God nailing his son to a cross to atone for mankind's sins. I just don't get it. Why on earth is the Prince of Peace, the God of Love, so freaking blood-thirsty in your minds. May I burn in hell for asking, what's so bad about peace, love & understanding?