Thursday, September 21, 2006

why do they call it Rush Hour?

Ever wonder why they call it rush hour? How many people you actually see rushing during rush hour. They should probably call it “crawl hour” or “creep hour” or start and stop hour.

Ever see those Progressive Commericals where they say, and I paraphrase, if we treat you that good while you’re shopping for car insurance, just imagine how we treat you once you’re a customer. Bonk. Wrong answer. Ever hear of a thing called courtship. Bait and switch. The fat lazy husband drinking beer of the couch watching football who was all sweetness and romance when you were dating. If they're that nice to before you become a customer, just think how poorly you'll be treated once you take the bait.

By the way I did save a bunch of money by switching to Geico from Progressive. True story.