Saturday, September 09, 2006

Presenting Pam Rasada, David Osti, Old Classmates, & YouTubing!

Back in 1991 or so, when the Presenters were doing their thing, and I had written Sex w/An Angel, Pamela Rasada briefly joined Loose Connection and contributed some gorgeous background vocals to Sex W/An Angel. So out of the blue she dropped me a line, and we've been playing catch up, and connecting the loose connections.

David Osti has a new website: Check out him ripping out Cold Shot at B.B. King's in L.A. David played the drums for Heaven Can't Make Up Her Mind, which sits on antiquated tape in my closet. David Osti is awesome. He is gotta be one of the best musicians I've ever known.

On a lark, I registered with figuring it would be worth the few bucks to see just who I could catch up with. It's been a blast. Neecie & Julie F, we go back to grade school, and that's a rush. Old neighbors as well, that I remember but don't remember me. :-) LOL Glenn, the midnight creeper, ol CB buddy, he's in Dallas, just up the ol' interstate. As a social networking site it really sucks; wish there was an alternative.

YOUTube is a blast. I wish had more time to check out everything that's there. Here's my site or