Friday, August 04, 2006

Hell Yes I listen to Jeff Ward

Well, I've been wanting to write for some time, and here it is August 4th and I haven't updated my blog in a few days.

Jeff Ward, BTW, is the only, and I MEAN THE ONLY reason to listen to KLBJ-AM here in Austin Texas. The rest of the programming: Rush Limblah, the cantankerous Neil Boorring Bortz, Fox News every hour for news. And yet Jeff has the nerve to actually make fun of his employers.

He is mostly libertarian, and not too fond of Big Brother Republicans. He can be pretty in a deadpan almost self-deprecating kind of a way, likes Van Halen and AC/DC for bumper music, and, oh he's a big sports guy too. Loves football, is overly analytical but hell, he knows football. I guess he was place kicker for the Longhorns and even played for Cowboys, I hear.

I've always wanted to make up some bumper sticker that reads: Hell Yes I listen to Jeff Ward.