Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I see dead people (messages from God)

I get messages from God. Yep. You heard right. On my way to work, or throughout the day, I drive past the marquees of quite a few churches. Often times it just may be a nugget of wisdom that could easily be at home in any faith or scripture. Scraps of New Testament wisdom that could be home in the Tao Te Ching, or vice versa.

Or there’s the local mosque with its never changing assertion: Humans were created to worship God. When you at first contemplate that idea it seems kind of strange, because we assume a perfect being would not need to be worshipped. But that assumes that the worshipping is done for the benefit of God, and not vice versa. Much how Jesus asks rhetorically if the Sabbath was made for man, or man for the Sabbath.

So let’s rephrase that statement so we can understand it better or more to the point you can understand how I interpret it. Humans were created to have reverence and respect and to venerate the Ideal of LOVE. And in such reverence and regard we would seek to emulate or become like that which we worship, which are the ideals of love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy and patience. All that is GOOD, then is what we as humans were created to worship and honor.

But getting back to the idea that I get messages from God, well what is he or she trying to tell me. To be a Christian, a Baptist, or a Muslim? Or maybe God is just saying his truth is abundant in many shapes, sizes and forms, and the prevailing wisdom of all religions rings true throughout out the ages. Not only do I drive past Churches, but also Buddhist Temples and Hindu shrines.

I believe for the most part the essential truth of all religions, but in a Joseph Campbell style understanding about the importance of mythology in human history, and the underlying truth that most myths point to, the Ultimate Ground of Being.