Thursday, January 11, 2007

Didn't we already win this war?

Let's see: the reasons for going to war were pretty much 1) WMDS and 2) regime change. Seeing how there are clearly no WMDs in the country, Saddam is history as are his sons, as well as is noted terrorist Al Zarqawi, how is it that we haven't already won?

If we're going to define winning as when all these people learn to play nice and fair we're going to be there for a long, long time.

I'm sorry but the fundamental problem is much deeper than that. There's a reason why our most solid allies in the region are monarchies. When people in the Mideast vote, they usually vote against the U.S. and to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Do you really think the Shi' ites who make up Iraq's current government are different that the ones next door in Iran?

There is also what I call the misery factor. You can muck things up with all sorts of ideological debates about politics and religion, but the bottom line is that the cause of all the suffering in Mideast is unhappiness. Addressing the root causes of that unhappiness is the answer; its not going to happen at the end of a gun's barrel.

Besides, we're going hemoragghing debt now, and I find that obscene.