Friday, November 24, 2006

Realms of hell in the mideast

These are the realms of the hell beings
The miserable streets, & dry desert air
Home to anger, hatred, fear
Dust in the street, & blood everywhere.

Do they not see
Not Mohammed
Not Buddha
Nor Christ nor Yaweh
Nor angelic hosts
Stir in their midst
Only Satanic hatred
Born in the yoke of religion.

False gods of every hue under the sun.

The male ego fever fears
The other, others, groups, finds tears
For theirs, their own, & others only hate
Sows the seed, cements their fate.

yet all have been torn
>From the same flesh, earth, woman, womb.
All is one in a circle sun
Around the world, the globe, love turns
Waiting for us to see this whole
Event was just for us
To know ourselves inside Each Other.

Can you not see?
That darkness rears
Its gruesome head
When so readily with violence rise up in anger
To wipe away, with strokes of hate
Your soul, your life, with such easy gait.

Truth is, truth is, what you see & get
Whether bright or burning, dark or wet
The empathy you have; the connection you congeal
With what is living, once lived, or long been dead
Is what you take to the other side?

No Virgins wait; no Pearly gates
No St. Peter, no Santa Claus
Just the knowledge inside you
You could have basked in love
But instead you chose to hate.