The Problem of Evil.
Life is evil. It is evil to live. The very nature of being alive is in fact evil. Our selves, animals, plants, beings, all competing and working within boundaries to feed off the other, either for each other or against each other. But make no mistake. There is a food chain. There is pleasure and pain. Winners and losers. The eater and the eaten.
Ever wipe out an ant hill. Squashed a bug? Guess what? You’re evil. You’re Hitler to a a bunch of ants. You gassed whole populations to death in your apt. Somehow because we have all these senses and we’re self aware, we are special; better than all the rest. And that is the argument
for moral relativism. There is always moral relativism.
That’s how you understand a killer. Just imagine your own sense of detachment towards killing a bug. I don’t understand killing. I couldn’t ever. Kill a person. Never. But I can eat a steak. Step on a spider. No problem.
I find myself thinking that all religion looks really stupid in many ways: it’s like its
My fairy tale versus your fairy tale mentality. I mean do you Christians really think you’ll walk through the clouds to shake the hands of a bearded, glowing-man with a magnificent robed Old Man father by his side. Do Muslims really expect umpteen virgins? So, is that heaven then? Pussy.
And I know that’s what the
We are successful in the West not because of Chistianity so much, but because of freedom. Because we our free to satisfy our needs; therefore really, we are less belligerent. Capitalism, free enteprise and freedom of speech. Less sublimating our frustrations into Jihad. There’s an old expression: be nice to your lizard i.e. be nice to your nature, your animal needs, but with a measure of self-control.
I think this repression of sexuality, which I believe Wilhelm Reich wrote about in a box I once read called The Murder of Christ , is symptomized in everything from the Catholic Church Priest Sex Scandal, to the brutality of the Islamic Jihadist.
Two kinds of evil?
Are there not two kinds of evil in the world? There is the evil of desire; of wanting things: love, sex, good fine food, luxury, drugs, ego trips, power. A wickedness characterized by wanton disregard for how your consumption and power trips affect others.
And there is hatred. Pure hatred. Hatred of self and hatred of others. Fear. Spiritual pride.
Obedience, but a bitter obedience; a fearful one.
I happen to believe that God will look different than anyone really realizes. It’s like hearing about a person you've never met and you’ve constructed this mental image of him or her in your mind, and when you finally meet them, while you feel like you still know them, you’re very surprised by what you've discovered. It’s like we’re all walking on this road, towards God, and none of us have ever been there before. Every now and then, someone shouts, I’ve been there; I’ve gone ahead and had a vision of what we’ll encounter when we get there.
But really it will all just depend upon your angle. And since every single one of has a unique perspective of God, our own, that by its very nature, by its very definition, is unique to us, to you and me and you alone. So don’t be surprised if you’re idea of God is different from your neighbor. Just remember: he has a different perspective of you. To some God is Jesus, or a White Light, or the Force, or Buddha, or the Tao, or Allah. Or then there are some who say God doesn’t exist … well that’s their perspective. Maybe there’s a bush in their way. Maybe, they are right. It is said with utmost humility.
Sometimes I think there is No God, and this is THE God. A seeming contradiction, but then its based upon the void I experience when the world and it’s concerns and pressing issues and needs fall away, and there is this fullness, that isn’t preoccupied with anything, but content and one, and not in conflict with it’s environment or itself. It’s like I’m invisible, but higher than a kite.
Meditation. Good mediation brings it on. Sometimes I’ll wake from a dream and I’m there before the World sets in. Infinite joy. Wisdom. Bliss. Unity with God that is love.
And that love is like a void because it is not material; it’s spiritual. It’s a spiritual fullness that seems empty only because it’s not corporeal. And so that is the natural progression of things.
Back in the old days, the pagans and indians saw spirits in the animals and trees, or the early Greeks with their panthenon of gods. And then came the monotheists, and it wasn't many Gods,
but One God. And after that: no God? 3, 2, 1, 0
You realize that all the world is sending you all sorts of images and you’re like this bio chemical bio- automaton person with electrical currents, waves, processes, fluids, systems all working to produce a sense of self. But then you realize you’re sheer awareness that is feed all this information. That’s all you are: Awareness. The awareness of awareness and when you’re not bombarded with the world, then you just are the awareness with the illusion of a life, linear time, history.
You realize how amazing really this all is, that we happen to be here, alive on this planet. Your life; your experience is a unique one of a kind historical event. There will never be another one like you!