Well, we can see that the box office is in a slump. I think that is just fine. In fact it is quite a come uppance for this industry, which has exploited movie goers for years. Who among us is not tired of being gouged at the snack counter with $2 cokes, $3 popcorn, and $5 hot dogs? $7-$10 the price of admission?
In the age of Clarkanomics (Yes I'm a big Clark Howard Fan) doesn't it make more sense to give a new film a few months to go to video and then it rent it. You do the math. A movie costs how much per person in the theater? Contrast that with what you will pay to rent it multiplied by however many people want to see it. Store bought popcorn, sodas and snacks, even full blown meals!
Yes, this is welcome news indeed!