There is much I'd like to blog about. Much of my blogging lately has taken on a new form of poetic journalism. Mind you many of the names I am dropping or using to color my surrealistic musings are messages in a bottle as it were, a way to put friends names out there, that I still remember, or wish to remember, and by blogging them into my poem and I'm able to revisit their memory, perhaps jog some more memories, get off creatively, and at the same time put their name out there in cyberspace so that google and the other search engines will eventually record it, and that person upon doing a search on their name, an entirely vain and very common practice in this day and age, and stumble upon my blog.
Anyway, Dave Zirbel,. an excellent musician from my home town, has checked in, reported in, as it were, a soldier reporting for duty. Check out his band
at And my Aunt weighed regarding a poem. I'm thrilled, but hey look at this Pearls Before Swine cartoon. I laughed when I saw this.... you're supposed to put your comments here on my blog so it seems like its really popular!
Hey hung out with cousin Christian after a day trip to Legoland down at Carlsbad. We had dinner and talked a bunch and it was great. Thanks for the chow, Cuz!
Also, Don Moss and I had fun checking out old pictures and letters, recollecting and looking at old film footage my grandfather shot of Detroit and Balboa Beach back in 1938. Ran into Mark Ferris and Scotty Comings. Mark has a cool band called the Sundowners, and hopefully I can start playing them soon at Scotty looks like the same, and it was great seeing him again. Also had fun with my Auntie, my sister and her family, their neighbors, and checked in on Margaret and Eric and their new baby, and of course, got verbally abused by Taunt Judy for my gut, which grew over vacation.
Big Misses. My drunken house cat friend, Brian, Bill, Sharon, Pamela, Lori, Warren, Grady Harp, who I wanted to buy a drink after reading his review, one of my favorites, at Thing itravelinging with kids is exhausting and logistically just nuts..Nextext time I'm just going to do what we once did, and is throw a party and let everyone come by and say hello. I miss y'all.
Ok back to insipid musings.
In many ways I feel like a child, capable of only a rudimentary of understanding of how the world works. And yet what is that: the ability of my rational mind to cognitively understand the whole universe. Impossible. And in the vast spectrum between the babbling retard with downs syndrome and the Mensa Genius capable of impressive grasps of the complexity of all things and the intricate nature of numbers and math, formulas and science, and the way the natural world operates, somewhere in between all that, somewhere in the vast vague middle is me, a little man, one life, one man, of average intelligence, whose brief time on this earth is in the middle of its history, amazed at times, where I stand in the midst of human history. Sometimes it feels as though I've come at the end, as everything, environmentally, politically seems to be gaining in intensity.
How disconnected we all are, from each other, especially from our past, and how seriously we take all of if that is happening right now, how important it all is, and yet is so very transitory the very nature of our experience, who we are and what we experience. In other words, think about your ancestors, five or six generations removed. You may know your grandparents and maybe a little about your great grandparents. But what about their parents and the parents before them. You probably know very little  . And yet this people lived and breathed, perhaps made sacrifices for their kids, worked so their kids and the kids of their kids might have a better future, only to be forgotten sooner or later, in the great dust cloud of history. How much do you know about your ancestors.