Actually, kind of amazed and grateful that it would seem people are reading my blog and commenting on some of the things I have to say. Also, am aware it might come across as a big WHINE. Oh, sometimes I need to get things off my chest.
How about Matthew Kahler??? Old friends indeed. I love this man’s music and every time I hear James Taylor on the radio, it kind of breaks my heart, because I came across Matthew’s website and have tried contacting him several times, and it’s like he can’t bother. Shrugs. Ironic because the song I hear most is “Fire and Rain.”
Still, Matthew is great. Whatever. Check out his website at
Then there’s Sean Hennigan. Rocky tells me he’s mad at me about something, not sure what, but Rocky don’t want to get in the middle of it.
Heard from Dave Osti and that just blew my mind. He saw his name on my list of names and dropped me a line. The man is a fantastic musician. Coming into contact with him brought back tons of memories.