My wife worked for MCI for the past five months or so! What a horrible, demeaning and insulting outfit to work for. She was let go yesterday, because she failed to make her "lines" for the cycle. A line is a sale of their services. The company continues to telemarket its services via pushy, heavy-handed sales pitches. Those who fail to make their lines are humiliated with a mid-day termination, in front of other employees.
My wife tried extra hard to make her lines, by working late, going back in after she put our daughter down to bed. Get this: at one point my wife took a day off because Alexia was sick. She was reprimanded for "not having her priorities in order." A friend remarked to me when I told her the story, "Apparently she DOES have her priorities in order!"
She laughs when she talks about how she got her mother to switch to MCI, only to have her mother switch back to SBC, after MCI failed to live up to its promises. I think that explains why making lines for the company only gets harder and harder. They have a lousy product. Period. So they continue to drive their employees to snag new customers. My advice to you: When MCI calls, just HANG UP THE PHONE.