Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Missing her
in the long cold night
Miss her like I miss
My life
My wife

long years ahead, & love holds true
no matter what a soul may do
into the forever, loam we fold
our cards, our love, our very soul.

She is an angel, queen & saint
Fierce dark eyes
Still graceful traits
& alluring, dark & sexy true
the mother of my girls
& for so long my world.

into the night
soft sweet lights
into the future we pray
& grow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Isn't it funny how we can both believe in God and not in God at the same time and find no conflict in such seeming disparate world views.

What is it to have faith. I have faith. Faith in the beauty and integrity and unity of God and Life and that in the end, we're all bound by God's infinite and unconditional love. At the same time I don't believe God to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Whathaveyou. If God was anything he'd probably be a Buddhist because that's the best way to enjoy Himself.

I don't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible nor do I think it wise to base all our world views and values upon the rantings and ravings of antiquity's version of the street corner preacher.

Not there isn't good stuff in the Bible, because there is, just like there is good stuff in Hindu mythology. But I no more think we should regards these myths as factual and literal than we should believe Prometheus stole fire from Heaven or that Atlas is holding up a mountain range in Africa.

We have to ask ourselves what is when we say we believe in God. Because what we believe today about God is different than what was believed back in the day. Back then, they really did believe for instance, that God as in the heaven's i.e. the clouds and walking around like father time throwing down thunderbolts and turning people into pillars of salt. When Jesus died and ascended to Heaven, he didn't beam out like Star Trek into some transformational LOVE world. He ascended into heaven on some heavenly upwards transport.

Think about it. What do we really believe? Can we be rational, please? Can we believe in science and thank, no, praise God he gave us the wisdom to figure out we evolved? Can we go further and view evolution itself from the first cells to our present civilization, as the divine manifestation of a purpose that will remain mysterious and elusive for years to come, and still appreciate our unique opportunity to weigh our small cameos against the bigger picture?

Because it's really about the L O V E we find in the moment. Beyond nihilism and humanism, beyond deism, theism and jingoism there is US. Our UNITED SOUL. the United Souls of the World. It really does go beyond self, nation, country, religion, language, world view, politics or ideology.
It asks rather simply: are you kind?

The self of the world unfolding and experiencing like some unhinged fractal equation, the whole or sum of the parts, spinning madly across this brief historical parade, towards some reconciliation that can be a blessing in disguise.

Think about your lives.

This moment
Your love.



All just words flashing briefly in the flow of time.
Close your eyes
and discover your Mind.