Send $10 cash, check or money order and a cool fun letter with your desired mailing address to
PO Box 685313
Austin TX 78768-5313
or you can use Paypal:
A Third Option:
you can visit by clicking on the link below and purchase it there:
Joe Rossi: Last Fling w/ Decadence & Democracy
At amazon you can also listen to sound clips of all the songs, read reviews, post reviews etc. The music on the CD is some of the music featured in our YouTube videos, such as Love Her Like The Rain, Rock & Roll Socks, Brainflower, and Freeways & Mirrors. You can also hear some of the tracks at or
The first two options are preferred as I have not heard from Orchard, the label selling my CD, in years, even though I know for a fact that they have been selling my CDs. Sooner or later, I will have to hook up with them and see what is going down, but in the meantime the first two options helps us in a much better and more direct way, plus the ones amazon sells won't be signed for obvious reasons.
There's even some used cheap ones out there. I guess! Check it out!
Remember, it's all about L O V E!