Thursday, September 21, 2006

why do they call it Rush Hour?

Ever wonder why they call it rush hour? How many people you actually see rushing during rush hour. They should probably call it “crawl hour” or “creep hour” or start and stop hour.

Ever see those Progressive Commericals where they say, and I paraphrase, if we treat you that good while you’re shopping for car insurance, just imagine how we treat you once you’re a customer. Bonk. Wrong answer. Ever hear of a thing called courtship. Bait and switch. The fat lazy husband drinking beer of the couch watching football who was all sweetness and romance when you were dating. If they're that nice to before you become a customer, just think how poorly you'll be treated once you take the bait.

By the way I did save a bunch of money by switching to Geico from Progressive. True story.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Presenting Pam Rasada, David Osti, Old Classmates, & YouTubing!

Back in 1991 or so, when the Presenters were doing their thing, and I had written Sex w/An Angel, Pamela Rasada briefly joined Loose Connection and contributed some gorgeous background vocals to Sex W/An Angel. So out of the blue she dropped me a line, and we've been playing catch up, and connecting the loose connections.

David Osti has a new website: Check out him ripping out Cold Shot at B.B. King's in L.A. David played the drums for Heaven Can't Make Up Her Mind, which sits on antiquated tape in my closet. David Osti is awesome. He is gotta be one of the best musicians I've ever known.

On a lark, I registered with figuring it would be worth the few bucks to see just who I could catch up with. It's been a blast. Neecie & Julie F, we go back to grade school, and that's a rush. Old neighbors as well, that I remember but don't remember me. :-) LOL Glenn, the midnight creeper, ol CB buddy, he's in Dallas, just up the ol' interstate. As a social networking site it really sucks; wish there was an alternative.

YOUTube is a blast. I wish had more time to check out everything that's there. Here's my site or

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This strange dance

is life not a strange dance we play
from the moment of our birth till they lower us in our grave
from nothing to pure nothing
rage about for the better part of a century
tasting, smelling, seeing, believing, speaking
succumbing finally to the pull of time & nature
back into the dust from whence rose your momentary fame

a soul to be reckoned with on this 3D plane
a person who walked down streets w/ no name
an identity just one among billions, to march in this parade
did I win the lottery somehow being manifested on this stage

seems a miracle itself, a fluke, a chance event, just one of gadzillions
that I might find myself here in this place & time, staring into a future that
will fade w/ my dying eyes

looking back upon all that is to be remembered
knowing full well all must join the ranks of the forgotten
one day when the supernova comes
or the asteroid bears down
and the dinosaurs die again a second death
& pluto may have the last laugh yet
in her outsider role.

musings on our predicament
this quaint, hairless, ugly, gorgeous ape-like creature man
& all of our self-importance
& all of our good-intentioned plans.

matters for what, who the hell knows
up against the vastness of the span
of a universal event, from glory to the pangs of
the big bang

just as they called in their witnesses
& the dinnerbell rang
I ran out into the street & shouted at the cosmos
& at the sky, & at the ku klux klan,
polygamists, and pseudo intellectualists
like so many cardboard men
you cannot prophesize nor punish
nor reveal what God has planned

so step down from that head trip
back away from that ancient parchment
& look, examine, the fine lines in your hand

its nobody's place to teach others what
they know from deep within
ancient shadows reveal simple truths
& there is no grander plan

than this, to exist & find in the moment here & now, the reason why
is right before your unbelieving eyes.