Friday, June 30, 2006
Seaworld Submersion
Welcoming Sebastian Leon Jerumanis, The Thugz, and MAAS!
Got a hold of my good friend Dugger... drummer Doug M. whose been in Northern California for about the same amount of time, I've been in Austin. He is in a band, and it's not a hip hop band.. it's called the Thugz. Visit their website at .. their a jam band.
well well well.. Margaret & Erik had their baby.... a baby boy born Friday June 9th. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and is 20 inches long. Congrats to mom and dad and gramma judy.
- Still trying to find my friend Mark's band on They're another rocking band from Southern California called the Sundowners. Have you heard them?
As you all know, I've got my book P.S. Kiss The Duchess For Me out there now. I keep wanting to post this snippet from the Austin American Statesman from some years back.
As long as we're in this WWII, "Saving Private Ryan" frenzy, Joe Rossi ... has collected and posted letters from his grandfather, Joey Moss, who was killed in action. Log on to this for a good cry. -- Gregory Kallenberg, Austin American-Statesman, August 6, 1998.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Well, I am hearing from folks that they do in fact read this blog.
Thanks to the original Maggie McGill, from NZ. Didn’t I send you a tape?
Drunkenhousecat is one of my longtime friends. He is utterly insane, lovable, creative genius and a noted mediaologist. I'm going to dig around for his blog and post a link when I can.
Remembering him recalls Sean and the whole creative manor adventure, Don Franklin, and Russell “Dr. Tooth” Masunaga, and misadventures in Venice, Calif. Hey Russell, I called you and you never called me back. You suck.
Everyday is a trip down freaking Memory Lane.
Cima Serena.. whatever happened to her, the infamous Wildlove of long lost Doors Chat …. And of course, Spidergod Railroad AKA INdie, that southwest spirit from the valley … wants to know where she figures in this picture. She is there --- fixed as it were, in my mind and memory as much as anyone. She recently found got married. Hopefully lil’ INdies will be along shortly.
Speaking of marriage, Trip Mom, my friend from AZ with triplets just got remarried. Woohoo!
Congrats to Tammy.
Hey doing my radio show over at on Saturday early evening or whenever I can on channel 2. Speaking of my radio show, I now have Matthew Kahler MP3s
to play. Still Matthew Kahler is MIA. Anybody in Atlanta want to let him know I say hello.
P.S. Kiss The Duchess For Me!!! I got some pretty good reviews going over at
San Antonio COX radio did a show with me reading from the letters. But I want to feel some excitement out there. Did you get the book? Can you review it at ... maybe get a some discussions going? I want to feel some excitement out there!
Thanks to the original Maggie McGill, from NZ. Didn’t I send you a tape?
Drunkenhousecat is one of my longtime friends. He is utterly insane, lovable, creative genius and a noted mediaologist. I'm going to dig around for his blog and post a link when I can.
Remembering him recalls Sean and the whole creative manor adventure, Don Franklin, and Russell “Dr. Tooth” Masunaga, and misadventures in Venice, Calif. Hey Russell, I called you and you never called me back. You suck.
Everyday is a trip down freaking Memory Lane.
Cima Serena.. whatever happened to her, the infamous Wildlove of long lost Doors Chat …. And of course, Spidergod Railroad AKA INdie, that southwest spirit from the valley … wants to know where she figures in this picture. She is there --- fixed as it were, in my mind and memory as much as anyone. She recently found got married. Hopefully lil’ INdies will be along shortly.
Speaking of marriage, Trip Mom, my friend from AZ with triplets just got remarried. Woohoo!
Congrats to Tammy.
Hey doing my radio show over at on Saturday early evening or whenever I can on channel 2. Speaking of my radio show, I now have Matthew Kahler MP3s
to play. Still Matthew Kahler is MIA. Anybody in Atlanta want to let him know I say hello.
P.S. Kiss The Duchess For Me!!! I got some pretty good reviews going over at
San Antonio COX radio did a show with me reading from the letters. But I want to feel some excitement out there. Did you get the book? Can you review it at ... maybe get a some discussions going? I want to feel some excitement out there!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
all the while thinking about Rich Gowen, where the hell are you ?
rambling down these Texas highways, and I find myself thinking about Rich Gowen, my long lost pal Rich, whom I dreamed of last night, along with his wife and his gig some art place, where he was hanging out, doing his art.
And wild flowers along the Texas country roads, might make me recall Jefe, the late Chief Broom, or Barry Welch, whom I directed west one year in his quest to snap images of the blue bonnets and other wildflowers that spring up everywhere in central Texas.
And Lucia is really starting to show, and for father's day, I was greeted with a lovely father's day movie, and the last few slides announce Christina Grace Rossi, Coming this Fall.
To be honest, things are quite up and down for me. I go from being so optimistic and happy about the future, to deep bouts of regret. I think about the friends I have that have blown me off in one way shape or form, like Matthew Kahler, and Sean Hennigan. I think about the education I could have had, that I wasted.
I think, now looking back at my life, I would like to have been an academic. Everything interests me, and I love learning and growing and understanding. But now so much of my life is focused either on my job at UPS, which has grown to be quite demanding and in many ways rewarding and validating. What I do there isn't rocket science but at the same time, it's demanding and requires someone who can mutlitask up the wayhoo. But it doesn't give me much of my "prime time" a chance to read and study. Then I drive down those Texas roads, interacting with a cast of characters, digging on the people and trying to be happy.
I come up with all sorts of plans, and am raring to get home and make a little headway, but then by the time I do get home, I am so burned out from working two jobs all day long, that the only thing I want to do, is drink a bloody mary or a screw driver, toast my late mother and watch
The Simpsons (which she hated) at 6:00 and Seinfeld (which she loved) at 6:30 and hopefully pass out between 7 & 8 so I can sleep 5-6 hours before waking shortly after midnight to do it all over again.
And in amazing spells of synchronicity, shows like the Simpsons and songs on the radio mock my self flagellation, and Lucia is quick to remind me how much my kids love me, and how much she loves me and that's what is really important.
And in moments. as the music shuffles through the air from my IPOD to my FM radio, I think about playing music, and singing Dylan and Doors, and playing guitar and grateful dead and doing something here online at, or else just buying some portable power and doing songs and shows while standing next to the bubbling brooks and streams in the wild Texas hill country, and just putting out a hat, and saying hell I am a musician, and playing the songs I want to hear ... Desolation Row, Friend of the Devil, The Wheel, Positively Fourth Street.
And some how I think of Lara Rossel, and Nadine Patterson, and James Martin and my brain storms names and forgotten souls, and how we chatted/joked Zimmy in the old Doors Chat.
I might even muse on Hoon, that Dark Doors Arch Conservative, who beats up verbally anybody who disagrees with his ideology.
And Ken Whiteley who really chewed me out the last time I talked to him. Still, his guitar can be heard on the Internet today.
And I might think of Blazing Skye, this long time friend, so supportive and encouraging and a friend by my side, proving that even in cyberspace true friendship can endure. And there's Jane and Dee, and the Tribal Soul Kitchen, a zine we concocted ten years past, and how it's still flying ... And there's Billy Rameriz, the Bee, and styling Bryon and I want to call these cats up and ask them how I rock out on the internet, and the answers are simple enough.. and yet in the back of my mind I still harbor that silly delusion that somehow we can all still make music together, middle-aged, and growing older in the sunset of our own lives, watching as the world we were born into slowly heats up and careens down a course towards god knows where ...
and I wonder if Iran will get the bomb or if Sun Young Kim will lose his mind, and it will all come crashing down and it occurs to me that the only difference beween true apocalypse and say the Asian Tsnuami, is one of scale. That at some point and time, a natural force like an earthquake or supernova, or sunburst, or asteroid, could easily wipe out all 5 billion just as readily and several hundred thousand were swept away in that god awful tsuamni.
And all the while, the Iraq war rages on and I try to understanding how it is that I can be happy and peaceful in a world where some folks are so miserable, so unhappy that violence and self destruction is the only response to the amazing universe they can come up with.
And wild flowers along the Texas country roads, might make me recall Jefe, the late Chief Broom, or Barry Welch, whom I directed west one year in his quest to snap images of the blue bonnets and other wildflowers that spring up everywhere in central Texas.
And Lucia is really starting to show, and for father's day, I was greeted with a lovely father's day movie, and the last few slides announce Christina Grace Rossi, Coming this Fall.
To be honest, things are quite up and down for me. I go from being so optimistic and happy about the future, to deep bouts of regret. I think about the friends I have that have blown me off in one way shape or form, like Matthew Kahler, and Sean Hennigan. I think about the education I could have had, that I wasted.
I think, now looking back at my life, I would like to have been an academic. Everything interests me, and I love learning and growing and understanding. But now so much of my life is focused either on my job at UPS, which has grown to be quite demanding and in many ways rewarding and validating. What I do there isn't rocket science but at the same time, it's demanding and requires someone who can mutlitask up the wayhoo. But it doesn't give me much of my "prime time" a chance to read and study. Then I drive down those Texas roads, interacting with a cast of characters, digging on the people and trying to be happy.
I come up with all sorts of plans, and am raring to get home and make a little headway, but then by the time I do get home, I am so burned out from working two jobs all day long, that the only thing I want to do, is drink a bloody mary or a screw driver, toast my late mother and watch
The Simpsons (which she hated) at 6:00 and Seinfeld (which she loved) at 6:30 and hopefully pass out between 7 & 8 so I can sleep 5-6 hours before waking shortly after midnight to do it all over again.
And in amazing spells of synchronicity, shows like the Simpsons and songs on the radio mock my self flagellation, and Lucia is quick to remind me how much my kids love me, and how much she loves me and that's what is really important.
And in moments. as the music shuffles through the air from my IPOD to my FM radio, I think about playing music, and singing Dylan and Doors, and playing guitar and grateful dead and doing something here online at, or else just buying some portable power and doing songs and shows while standing next to the bubbling brooks and streams in the wild Texas hill country, and just putting out a hat, and saying hell I am a musician, and playing the songs I want to hear ... Desolation Row, Friend of the Devil, The Wheel, Positively Fourth Street.
And some how I think of Lara Rossel, and Nadine Patterson, and James Martin and my brain storms names and forgotten souls, and how we chatted/joked Zimmy in the old Doors Chat.
I might even muse on Hoon, that Dark Doors Arch Conservative, who beats up verbally anybody who disagrees with his ideology.
And Ken Whiteley who really chewed me out the last time I talked to him. Still, his guitar can be heard on the Internet today.
And I might think of Blazing Skye, this long time friend, so supportive and encouraging and a friend by my side, proving that even in cyberspace true friendship can endure. And there's Jane and Dee, and the Tribal Soul Kitchen, a zine we concocted ten years past, and how it's still flying ... And there's Billy Rameriz, the Bee, and styling Bryon and I want to call these cats up and ask them how I rock out on the internet, and the answers are simple enough.. and yet in the back of my mind I still harbor that silly delusion that somehow we can all still make music together, middle-aged, and growing older in the sunset of our own lives, watching as the world we were born into slowly heats up and careens down a course towards god knows where ...
and I wonder if Iran will get the bomb or if Sun Young Kim will lose his mind, and it will all come crashing down and it occurs to me that the only difference beween true apocalypse and say the Asian Tsnuami, is one of scale. That at some point and time, a natural force like an earthquake or supernova, or sunburst, or asteroid, could easily wipe out all 5 billion just as readily and several hundred thousand were swept away in that god awful tsuamni.
And all the while, the Iraq war rages on and I try to understanding how it is that I can be happy and peaceful in a world where some folks are so miserable, so unhappy that violence and self destruction is the only response to the amazing universe they can come up with.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Into INK, light, rain
who wants to roll in the lone star state
race to the gate, tempt wait & then wait
forever burning her shining star & sun-swept face
indigo into soul
she sought sanctuary in the sacred but severed branch
from the talk dark tree
in the garden
in the forest garden night
cradle vision of incandescent light.
race to the gate, tempt wait & then wait
forever burning her shining star & sun-swept face
indigo into soul
she sought sanctuary in the sacred but severed branch
from the talk dark tree
in the garden
in the forest garden night
cradle vision of incandescent light.
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