Sunday, March 26, 2006

Press Release for Official May Release

For Immediate Release

P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me: Letters from an Unknown Soldier.
ISBN: 1587365839

Experience World War II firsthand in this dramatically told story in the form of letters from an enlisted man to his wife and daughter.

Austin, TX May 29, 2006 – Just in time for Memorial Day “P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me” honors the memory of one fallen solider. This elegant tribute recalls 1944 in candid, colorful and charming detail as a man who obviously missed his calling as a writer corresponds with his wife and nine-year old daughter over the course of eight months while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II.

This first person narrative of Army life manages to make interesting what undoubtedly is a common story. His tale is told with a wry, dry, self-deprecating sense of humor, and a sarcastic, yet romantic view of life. Written and edited by free lance writer Joe Rossi, the Duchess in the book’s title refers to Rossi’s mother; and the letters that form the bulk of the book, were written by his namesake and a grandfather he never got the chance to know, Private Joe Moss.

From the first letter where he says “our training consists of 17 weeks of learning how to kill and after only the Good Lord knows what will happen,” to the dispatches from the French countryside where he assures us “I have a comfortable foxhole, no hot and cold running water of course but the best I can get under the circumstances,” you feel as though you’re right there alongside him. The writing is emotionally charged, painfully honest and forthright. “I’ve got the funniest kind of feeling in the pit of my stomach. I suppose it’s due to the fact that I am scared to death. I’ll get over it, I know, but just the same, it sure is an uncomfortable feeling.”

The book’s subtitle is Letters from an Unknown Solider. It’s a twist on the concept of the unknown solider such as the ones that can be found in Tomb of the Unknowns, or sung about in the Doors’ “The Unknown Solider.” Here is a soldier who is virtually unknown, an anonymous white headstone in a V.A. cemetery. For all intents and purposes, they are unknown, even though who they are is no secret to their families. What “P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me” does so well is introduce us to such an unknown solider, letting us get to know him, thus making him known. It clearly shows us the true cost of war in documenting the inner thoughts and feelings of a single soldier.

January 3, 1944

It was a good thing we left the station in L.A. when we did, for I think I would have broken down if we had stayed any longer. I miss you both so very much and I know that it will take a great deal of will power to concentrate on being a good soldier and keeping myself in the right frame of mind. The only bright spot is the fact that I am doing something that may contribute to the safety of my loved ones. I think I know how both you and Marilyn feel and I am sure that you, too, will be good soldiers.

This morning also, I had my first look at German war prisoners. They all seemed cheerful and happy. The sergeant told us that most of them never want to go back to their native land and they look forward to Germany’s defeat.

April 10, 1944

Just started to rain again, although it is quite warm. This is truly a blue Monday. Dreary, rain and a sad horse opera coming in over the radio. We are sitting on our bunks. Some of the men are cleaning their rifles, some are writing letters. Others merely

dozing off. No one seems to be saying much. You can almost see their trains of thought in their faces. Wives, children, and home are uppermost in their minds. It’s getting so close to furlough time that we think of nothing else.

July 7

They put me on this hospital guard and it was my duty to sit in front of the prison ward and allow no one in or out without proper authority. The balance of the wards in my post were the rehabilitation wards and it is the most pitiful sight seeing these young boys walking to and fro with an appearance of total disregard for anyone or anything. Shattered nerves and shattered minds. War is truly "hell."

An interesting if sorrowful sidelight was a young fellow who appeared to be about 24 taking his morning walk. He had to pass in front of me and before he went by me, I noticed that his right hand shook as though he had "St. Vitas." I had a loaded carbine slung on my shoulder and upon confronting me he stopped, became highly agitated and burst into tears. The sight of the rifle unnerved him and I found from his orderly that the fellow was gun shy due the fact that he had shot someone while on guard duty. His mind cracked and now they are trying to rehabilitate him.

Officially being released May 29, Memorial Day, this is Joe Rossi’s first published title. Rossi has written for alternative news weeklies, including the Pasadena Weekly, The Austin Chronicle, and Austin Homes & Gardens, among others. He is also a former managing editor of Unisys World. This story in particular first appeared in print in an abridged version published by the Pasadena Weekly on Veteran’s day in 1995.

# # #

Operation Good Soldiers

Operation Good Soldiers

As many of you know, P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me will soon be a published book available for purchase at online sites such as

Very shortly, we’re going to launch a two month media blitz leading up to Memorial Day, a day set aside to honor and remember those who gave their lives in foreign wars. P.S. Kiss The Duchess for Me will be officially released on this day, so that stories and reviews about the book will have a nice angle on Memorial Day

I know I can count on all of you to be good soldiers and spread the word about Joe Moss and this special book.

P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me: Letters from an Unknown Soldier.
ISBN: 1587365839

What I need for you to do, is the next time you’re at or near a bookstore, inquire about the book and find out if you can pre-order it, and if you can, then pre-order it. If money’s tight that’s understandable. Just asking about it will help. Have everyone you know ask their bookstores about it. Perhaps, we can create some interest and intrigue prior to publication by asking about the book at bookstores nationwide. Even if you don’t buy the book, asking and inquiring about it, is bound to stir up interest. Call, write, and email your local bookstores today!

P.S. Kiss the Duchess for Me: Letters from an Unknown Soldier.
ISBN: 1587365839

Participate in online forums newsgroups, and message boards. Post a little something there if you’re so inclined. Do you know someone who would enjoy the book? It makes a great gift. Do you know or are aware of someone noteworthy, important or influential. Order the book online and send it to them, or drop them line telling them about the book.

The book can be preordered by visiting this website:

As you know, let’s people review books, so if you’ve read it, no time better than the present to post reviews. The site is already up for the book at:

My love and appreciate goes out to you all. You know how much you mean to me and you know how much this books means to us all.


Joey Rossi

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sunburst Morning Sky

It is what it is
and noone could explain the loss of diamond rain
or cool cloaked secrets
discussed in smoke-filled rooms

and bimbos
disgusting discussing common retreats
& altruisms.

boasting four different colors
& seven coats
The Alkaline Household (poised for recovery)

our resident den
of iniquity still delights
w/ a poison pen

& writes her name upon the walls of forever
a diamond glistening in rain-driven wind
& who camps about in her splendid grass
like snakes in a spiderweb railroad
like lost thoughts on a continent and a cool swift breeze

who waits for me on her crystal island
who lies with me in an eternal sea
what words of wisdom from this siren's breasts
what tide will tug us away onto her forgotten shore

oh blissful diamond of peace who shines in the night
oh moonlight memory of time & space and all the thoughts that come between
breathes, a part of a pattern within patters within circles within Mind.

logic rules the cascade poets fierce unyielding pen
insane logic based on invisible rules of pushing, to & fro
into her, another rough night

and an hour come round at last
Yeats spells it out,
As the worst are full of passionate intensity

this new beast, a beast of love, or a beast of anger
raging in the desert, in the sands of the thousand nights
where yesterday is piped into tomorrow
clogging up the sky and our view of the future
smoke on the horizon

& the proverbial water
rising to meet a darkening sky-
a destiny marked by the certaintly, all living things must die.

and into her mouth of eternity
only the blessed children lie
in sheets of white & rays of gold
like a sunburst morning sky.

Friday, March 17, 2006

P.S. Kiss The Duchess For Me

The book can now be pre-ordered by going to the this link:

The actual release date should be some time in April!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Blast From the Past (your own!) & you don't even know it

I did a search on google groups, on a subject of interest to me, and I came across a post that I really agreed with.. I mean it was amazing. The things this person were saying we're right up my alley. So I scan to the bottom on the posting to see who this writer was, and I see that it was written by in 1990!

I had written it, before there even was world wide web, when I was Usenet junkie back when the Internet was limited to techies and geeks in computer labs. I was working for Jet Propulstion Lab at the time, and this was pretty much my first email account.

Blast From the Past Part 2

To be put on a list of bumper stickers we'd like to see:
  • Fair & Balanced My Ass
Ever notice those billboards that ask, "Does Advertising Work?" To which they answer their own question with a perky response: "Just Did." Fat chance. Just because I see a billboard does mean that advertising works. Now, if I go home and immediately call Reagan Outdoors, or Lamar, or whoever, and put down some cash for six months of advertising on the northbound side of I-35, then yeah it worked, but not until then.

And today's blast from the past is Russell Masunaga, or Dr. Tooth, based in Hawaii. Went to USC with Russell and even lived with him and his future wife Kathy, for a spell back in the early 80's. Russell is doing well as a dentist. Called the phone number I found for them via the Web, and Kathy answered. She sounded suprised to hear from me. Anyway, I think that website they have must be a real old one, because it shows them with their kids, and their kids are like kids, and I know that the last time I talked to them, oh ten years ago, their kids were kids.